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AE插件 Red Giant PlaneSpace 1.3 +Red Giant Warp V1.1
授权形式: 免费版
更新时间: 2011-03-22 12:24:27
软件语言: 英文
软件平台: Windows/XP
软件类别: 国外软件
文件大小: 7.00 MB
评论等级: ★★★☆☆
下载次数: 0(今日:,本周:,本月:


AE插件 Red Giant PlaneSpace 1.3 +Red Giant Warp V1.1经过我们检查,是无病毒软件,请放心使用。

这是Red Giant Software LLC公司发布的2款AE插件,Red Giant PlaneSpace 1.3和Red Giant Warp V1.1。

Red Giant Plane Space1.3消除了在After Effects平台上管理复杂图层时乏味工作,它可从立方体、圆柱体、球体或复杂的矩阵资源中自动创造图层,利用六个工具从3D图层贯穿到3D空间,而不需要关键帧或复杂的数学运算。

Sophisticated Shape to Shape Animation

You can use multiple assistants to animate between two shapes. Want a cylynder to animate into a sphere, no problem, just keyframe with two different shape assistants. After Effects will take care of the animation for you.

Built with After Effects Layers

with the PlaneSpace, you stay within After Effect’s 3D space so animation and other effects can be easily integrated with mutliple cameras and lights.

Creator Tools

The Creator Tools generate boxes, cylinders, a matrix or spheroid. The different tools have a host of options to set up the scale, number of layer, height, width, and controls to randomize the results.

Distribution Tools

The Distribution Tools let you distribute layers around a sphere, cube, cylinder, line, plane or pyramid. Unlike the Creator tools, the distribution tools build off the base shape. For example, cylinder distribution can create planar arrangements that looks like fans, a corkscrew or a staircase with just a few clicks.

Pro and Lite Options

The control palette are divided into two categories, Pro and Lite. The Lite tools let you quickly build a shape with minimum work, while the Pro version offers more control over placement and repitition.

What's New
Coming soon: Adobe CS5/64 bit support
PlaneSpace was formerly 3D Assistants Pro from Digital Anarchy. Learn more here.



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