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抠图滤镜 (Topaz ReMask) v3.1.0 含注册机
授权形式: 免费版
更新时间: 2011-03-31 15:52:57
软件语言: 英文
软件平台: Win2000/WinXP/Win2003/Windows/NT
软件类别: 国外软件
文件大小: 34.9 MB
评论等级: ★★★★☆
下载次数: 0(今日:,本周:,本月:


抠图滤镜 (Topaz ReMask) v3.1.0 含注册机经过我们检查,是无病毒软件,请放心使用。

Topaz ReMask是Topaz公司的新产品,他对于抠图提供了一种新颖的方式,快速而简单,利用动作结合通道与蒙板,可以快速地抠图,比如婚纱抠图都还不错,在我的实际应用中认为Topaz ReMask 不愧是一款优秀的抠图滤镜!


A Masking Tool Designed for Simplicity and Ease of Use

Topaz ReMask offers you the easiest way to isolate objects and remove unwanted backgrounds from images. Like a pair of digital scissors, ReMask 3 allows you to easily separate a subject from its background by quickly defining the edges of the element to be masked / cutout.

ReMask 3 Highlights

* Color decontamination technology to help solve color bleed issues
* Better hair extraction technology
* Refining Toolset for fine-tuning masks and foreground color
* Ability to handle certain types of transparent objects
* Color selection brushes to handle complex objects such as trees and veils
* Menu options to save and load tri-map and mask, allowing you to save and re-start partial results
* 2-screen or 4-screen views



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